Echo Hollow

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A global message queue system to allow the story author to more easily hook into the Inventory and Apparel UIs and display various flavor texts and do other processing while a player is fooling around with Inventory and Apparel.

FIXME Not fully implemented. May change as we rejigger the UIs. Maybe ought to move from here to the UI classes.

MessageQueue.push( message )

If the queue is enabled, push a message into the top of the queue.

Returns: void


If the queue is enabled, shift a message off the bottom of the queue.

Returns: the message being shifted off, or null if the queue is disabled.

MessageQueue.dump( separator="\n" )

Dump the whole queue as a string, using the given separator. Clear the queue.

Returns: the whole queue as a single string

MessageQueue.on( queue=[] )

If the queue is already enabled, to nothing. Otherwise enable the queue, filling it with the given array of strings.

Returns: void

Disable and clear the queue.

Returns: the contents of the queue before it was cleared.

smutbook/classes/util/messagequeue.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 20:33 by lee