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Inherits From: LibTF.PersistentObject

Person is kind of the core of LibTF. Each character in your game who can be transformed (usually just the PC in most TF games, but the library supports as many transformable characters as you want).

Persons can carry items, via their Inventory field.

Persons can wear Apparel, via their WornApparel field.

Persons also have built in Transformable fields, which are the core of the library's transformation system.

A Person's individual Transformables can be configured to operate independently from one another (for the game author who wants fine-grained control over the character's transformation), or can be configured to interpolate their values from a master transformable, so that they change automatically (for the game author who wants things to stay simple and easy). For example, when interpolation is enabled for all sex/gender Transformables and Height, the character's height, bust, and sexual organs will all change automatically according to the character's Femininity transformable's value.


Inherited from LibTF.PersistentObject: id, parentId, parent, name, aName, nameIsProper, nameIrregularArticle


  • Access: Read-Write
  • Type: Boolean

This field controls whether or not transformations are applied to this Person immediately.

If true, then any modification of any of this Person's Transformable fields .val or .newVal fields, as well as calls to .increase() or .decrease(), will be applied to this Person immediately.

If false, then any modification as above will be deferred until .applyTransformations() is called on this Person, or .applyTransformation() is called on the specific Transformable. That is, these modifications will be remembered secretly as they are made, but they will not be applied to the Person until .applyTransformations() is called. This is useful for games where transformations occur as the PC sleeps, as a result of the day's events, or somesuch.

If null or undefined when Persistence.setDefaults was called to create this Person, then the value of LibTF.Settings.defaultApplyTransformationsImmediately will be used.


The LibTF.Inventory object that tracks what items this Person is carrying.


The LibTF.Apparel.WornApparel object that tracks what this Person is wearing.


This Person's Femininity transformable.


This Person's Height transformable. Optionally interpolated from the Person's Femininity.


This Person's Bust transformable. Optionally interpolated from the Person's Femininity.


This Person's Penis/Clit transformable. Optionally interpolated from the Person's Femininity.


This Person's Pussy/Balls transformable. Optionally interpolated from the Person's Femininity.


Inherited from LibTF.PersistentObject: hasPersistent(), getPersistent(), setPersistent(), resetPersistent()

(Person).applyChanges( thirdPerson = false )

  • Arguments:
    • thirdPerson: If set to true, the (unimplemented) changes description will be returned in third-person tense rather than second-person.
  • Returns: (String) An empty string, which is currently a bug/todo. Should return a description of the changes.
  • Throws: Nothing.

When applyTransformationsImmediately is false, this function causes all of the queued transformations to be applied to the Person. This is useful for games where transformations happen as the PC sleeps, based on the happenings of the day, and that sort of thing.


(Person).getDescriptionGeneral( thirdPerson=false, suppressTFStats=false )

  • Arguments:
    • thirdPerson: If set to true, the returned description will be in third-person tense rather than second-person.
    • suppressTFStats: If set to true, the returned description will not mention attributes that would not normally be mentioned for someone of obvious gender (“You appear masculine”, for example). Useful for characters who don't transform, or for before the transformations begin.
  • Returns: (String) The general description of the Person.
  • Throws: Nothing.

Returns a general description of the Person. Femininity/masculinity, apparent age, height, eyes, hair (head), and facial/body hair.

(Person).getDescriptionApparel( thirdPerson=false )

  • Arguments:
    • thirdPerson: If set to true, the returned description will be in third-person tense rather than second-person.
  • Returns: (String) A description of the Person's worn apparel.
  • Throws: Nothing.

Returns a description of the Person's worn apparel. When thirdPerson is false, it will only return visible clothing layers (ie, no underpants if you are wearing trousers, etc) (FIXME currently semi-broken).

(Person).getDescriptionSexual( thirdPerson=false, suppressTFStats=false )

  • Arguments:
    • thirdPerson: If set to true, the returned description will be in third-person tense rather than second-person.
  • Returns: (String) A description of the Person's sexual characteristics.
  • Throws: Nothing.

Returns a description of the Person's sexual characteristics. When thirdPerson is false, it will only return visible sexual organs based on clothing layers (ie, no cock if you are wearing trousers, though if you are wearing panties it could mention a bulge) (FIXME currently semi-broken).

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libtf/documentation/api/person.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/13 10:10 by lee